Thursday, April 21, 2011

Seattle Chiropractor for arm pain or numbness

How can a chiropractor help someone with arm pain or numbness? Well... the nerves that control the arm originate from nerve roots in the neck. These nerves can be compressed or irritated by bulging disks and misalignments in the spine. When these nerves are affected, it can cause symptoms such as pain in the arm or even numbness and tingling in the hand. To see if chiropractic could help you with these problems. Contact Dr. Jason Silliker at Sound Chiropractic Center of Seattle.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chiropractor in Seattle for Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common causes of pain and disability in all people over 65 years. It is also one of the top 5 reasons people go to see their Doctor. At Sound Chiropractic Center in Seattle, Dr. Jason Silliker safely and effectively treats all types of back, neck and headaches using spinal manipulation and rehabilitation exercises. You are welcome to call 206-440-7700 to schedule a free consultation and examination to see if chiropractic can help to safely and effectively treat your back pain. We look forward to helping you soon.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Seattle Chiropractor for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a word that means "fibrous-muscle-spasms", which is often used as a catch all diagnosis for unknown pains throughout the body. Many people I have seen are diagnosed with "fibromyalgia", but still suffer tremendously from pain, disability, and fear avoidance beliefs. Some research demonstrates that vitamin D deficiency can contribute to this condition and there are thousands of anecdotal stories of chiropractic helping these patients. Everything in the body is controlled by nerves including muscles of the body. Chiropractic works to restore motion to joints and prevent nerves from becoming irritated or "pinched". I am not saying that chiropractic can cure fibromyalgia, but I am saying that everyone deserves to find out if it could help. I recommend finding a chiropractor who is trained in spinal manipulation, spinal rehabilitation, and nutritional counseling. Don't rely on drug companies or insurance companies to tell you about non-pharmacalogical or non-surgical solutions for anything. Our goal is to teach you how to stay healthy, happy, and drug-free.